3 min readMay 7, 2023


krishna ji’s thoughts on love.

What is love

Love is one of the fundamental principles of life. It is the binding force that connects every living being to each other and to me. Love is selfless and unconditional; it is not based on any expectations or conditions. The love that comes from me, known as Bhakti, is the highest form of love that one can reach for in their life. It is the culmination of all spiritual practices.

As stated in Bhagavad Gita, "He who serves me with unfailing love and devotion, frees himself from the bondage of Karma and unites with me." (Chapter 12, Verse 6) Love is the key to a happy and fulfilled life. When we love and serve one another, we are fulfilling our dharma and are in alignment with the cosmic principles of the universe. Strive to love without expectations and practice devotion to me, and you will realize the true essence of love.

My dear Arjuna, the love between Radha and me is divine and cannot be understood by materialistic thoughts. The depth of devotion and love she had for me is an example for all of humanity to follow, as in Chapter 12, verse 13, I say that those who are steadfastly devoted to me without worshiping other gods will effortlessly reach me. Similarly, Radha’s ultimate goal was to attain me and unite with me in love. It is through her unwavering devotion and pure love that she was able to merge with the divine and become one with me. Focus on your own spiritual journey and devotion towards me, and you too can attain the highest form of love and devotion.

Arjuna, love in the context of Bhagavad Gita is the purest form of devotion towards me. It is the unconditional surrender of oneself to the divine will. Love encompasses all virtues such as kindness, compassion, selflessness, and non-violence. In Chapter 12, Verse 13, I say, "He who hates no creature, who is friendly and compassionate to all, who is free from attachment and egoism, balanced in pleasure and pain, and forgiving, that devotee is dear to me."

Love is not a mere expression of emotions or attachment towards a person or an object. It is a conscious effort to connect with the divine through selfless service, devotion, and meditation. I advise you to perform all your actions with love, dedicating them to me, without the expectation of any reward. In Chapter 9, Verse 27, I say, "Whatever you do, whatever you eat, whatever you offer in sacrifice, whatever you give, whatever you practice as austerity, O Arjuna, do it as an offering to me."

Therefore, Arjuna, love is the highest form of spiritual practice that leads to liberation and union with the supreme divine. Embrace love in its truest form, and you shall find eternal peace and joy

Krishna kisses Radha on the forehead

